So I realize it's been a while since I blogged. Oops. I guess it's just because I have been busy and sick for the past week. I started getting sick on St. Patrick's day and have had a bad cold since then. It's getting better now though, thank goodness! We had a lovely time on St. Patrick's day waiting for Ben's new piano to be delivered, travelling to Eau Claire, playing with Ben's sister's new puppy, and eating supper with her and her friends. Oh, and I was productive that day, I started a new painting for a friend who asked me to paint a picture of her dog. :) It's not finished yet so I haven't taken pictures, but I'll post some when it's done.
Friday morning we had to head back to Minneapolis as soon as we woke up because Ben got called into work. I spent the rest of the day preparing for the pirate party we had that night. It was a smaller party than most of our other ones have been, so I didn't go overboard (see what I did there?) with food and decorations and stuff. I made a baked potato bar and tried to attach sliced cheese sails to them to make them look like little potato boats (an idea I got from Amy Sedaris' craft book Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People) but it didn't work. :( Oh well though! At least they tasted good. For potato toppings I just put out butter, sour cream, a few types of cheese, and bacon bits cooked up by my friend Erik. Erik and another friend, Elliot, helped me with the majority of the baking for the evening which was really nice of them. Elliot and I made an apple pie-rate ship using this recipe: We omitted the walnuts and raisins though.
Elliot and I also made these delicious chocolate cookies that are supposed to look like tricorne hats, but I think we rolled them out a little too thick so they kind of puffed up and lost their shape. Oh well haha. I'll know for next time!
I got the idea for the apple pie-rate ship and the idea and recipe for the tricorne hat cookies from this site. Hers look much much better than mine haha. In my defense, I was in a big rush when I was making mine--trying to get everything done in time for the party. :)
and here's the cookie recipe:
I replaced the brown sugar with white sugar because I was low on brown sugar after the pie and I am not a big fan of brown sugar + chocolate, I don't think they go very well together for some reason.
Oh! I almost forgot the star of the night! The Scurvy Fightin' (Fuzzy Navel) Jell-O shots! A recipe I made up by making normal orange jello but replacing 1/4 cup of water with Peach Schnapps. They tasted like sunshine! And I let them set up in hollowed out orange peels. An idea I got from this website:
I couldn't get a very good picture of them unfortunately. I am really getting sick of my camera not doing well in low lighting. I don't know how to fix it though. :( Oh well!
Here are some more fun pictures from the evening! It was a very good time, lots of interpretive dancing to disney music (I know--very piratey,) Circle of Death (which a lot of us played with soda because we didn't want to drink) and catch phrase! Good-mostly clean-fun!
Erik A with his sword. Ben helped the two Eriks make swords from random wood we had around the apartment. I did NOT appreciate them sawing wood in the kitchen and gettin sawdust all over the floor while I was trying to cook! Haha!
This picture is terrifying and I love it haha.
This is one of my favorites from the night haha. Emily was a 'pie rat' hence the ears and the shirt with pie on it haha.
Erik H with his sword and the pirate costume we made up for him in like 15 minutes out of random stuff him and Ben had.
Circle of Death!
I love this picture! Erik, India and Gennie all look really happy! :D
Dueling Eriks
Catch phrase! I LOVED Chelsey's impromptu costume. Isn't she adorable?
LoL Ben showing me a little leg while sitting on Erik H's lap. Also, I love how many people are crammed on our little couch. Poor Jeremiah is practically falling off the edge!
India giving Erik H a sweet temp. tat from a tattoo book her and Erik A brought with them!
All done!
Rambo? Is that you?
Ben singing and using fake bones as drumsticks while Jeremiah played the piano to "Don't Stop Believin' "
Christina with Merry and Pippin! Haha.
Interpretive dancing to "Circle of Life" from the Lion King.
I think the pictures speak for themselves. It was a good night! Hope these made you smile. Have a great weekend!