Tuesday, March 15, 2011

When it rains it pours!

It was very drizzly outside this morning and during the early afternoon. I can't say I was too upset about it though. I figure, if it's warm enough to rain, it's getting close to springtime and if it rains the snow will melt faster and I'll start seeing grass sooner! Anyways, the sun eventually decided to come out and clear up the cobwebs and the sorrows and all that jazz.

The rainy weather was a perfect opportunity for me to go grocery shopping and clean the kitchen and for Ben to rearrange our entire living room. He had to move everything around to make room for his new piano. The piano will be delivered on Thursday sometime and I will take some photos of our new living room then. I actually like the room set up a lot better the way it is now. It seems cozier but more spacious at the same time... if that makes any sense. Anyways, it's nice to have change once in a while. I think our next rearranging project will be the kitchen cupboards. As they are now, I have to hold five different things in place while trying to weasel out the thing I want to avoid an avalanche of baking supplies, pots and pans, canned goods, etc. It's kind of a hassle. Anyways, now that our kitchen is spotless and our living room looks different, I decided maybe it was time I finish up a painting I started months ago to hang in our kitchen. So, here it is!

I have always loved the Morton Salt Girl. I just think she's so adorable! I thought she would be a perfect addition to my kitchen since it kind of has a yellow and blue color scheme going on. (Or at least I'm trying to make it have a yellow and blue color scheme as much as I can without painting the walls.) To stick with this color scheme I decided to make another painting for a different part of the kitchen. This one is kind of an alla prima painting of blackeyed susan flowers. Unfortunately the camera does not capture the colors very accurately. It's a lot more vivid in person. I really like it, especially since it only took me about an hour and a half.
Also, that white spot in the middle of the blue is just glare from the lights. I hope all of you had a fabulous day like I did! Tomorrow I'm cooking supper for a couple friends I haven't seen in a long time, I'm super excited! I may not post recipes/new art until Thursday if they are over late, but that's okay, it just means we're having lots of fun! :)


  1. I love these! Are you an art major, or is this just a hobby?

  2. Thanks! Haha yes, I am an art major. I would like to be a professor of studio arts at a university someday. I'm practicing a lot over spring break because I want to start selling some of my art on Etsy one of these days and I want to make sure I am really proud of the things I sell haha.
